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Award Winning Sales Simplicity Introduces
Yet Another Innovation - Customizable Graphic Dashboards
for Multi-Source, Consolidated Reports

Oct 21, 2009 2:42pm EDT

Real-Time Data Feeds, Live-Action Data Dashboards that
Graphically Display Reports, like Ad Campaign Results, Sales Performance,
To-Do List Compliance, and Employee Effectiveness

Chandler, Ariz . — Oct. 20, 2009 — Sales Simplicity Software, the widely acknowledged leader in sales automation, CRM and eMarketing for the builder, developer, and senior living sectors, announced today that it has introduced yet another innovation for its client base.

Users of Sales Simplicity can now access customizable graphic "dashboards" that can be fed from multiple data sources. The dashboard graphics can be easily set up to display a nearly limitless array of reports, such as the real-time effectiveness and cost-per-lead of an ad campaign, web ad, or email blast; the current disposition of inventory; side-by-side comparisons of sales staff effectiveness, and even to-do list compliance among employees.

Created for easy, at-a-glance viewing, the new Sales Simplicity dashboards offer a "race car-like" look to the reports tab of Sales Simplicity. What's more, the graphics are not static; they respond instantly to changes in the Sales Simplicity SQL system or to

  Adding a race-car-like look to
Sales Simplicity, real-time data
can now feed live-action graphic
data dashboards that graphically
display reports, like the
effectiveness of an ad campaign,
sales, to-do list compliance,
and employee effectiveness.

changes in any other affiliated software system. As data is fed into Sales Simplicity, through sales, contracts, inventory or option changes and follow-up, the dashboards reflect those changes in real time.

"Nothing drives a builder, developer, or senior living group to greater efficiency than data tracking and data analysis. But the data is only as good as your ability to slice it, dice it, view it, and compare it. That's what Sales Simplicity dashboards can do," said Barry Forbes, Sales Simplicity's President.  

In addition to this software innovation, Sales Simplicity recently announced that its sales in just one recent month were the highest of any month in the company's history, when six (6) new enterprise clients joined the ranks of Sales Simplicity's customer base. Two of these were from Canada , and three (3) of the six (6) were removing antiquated CRM systems, or replacing contemporary CRM systems that had disappointed them.

About Sales Simplicity

Sales Simplicity Software, Inc., based in Chandler, Arizona, is the creator and marketer of leading sales automation, CRM, eMarketing and eLead management tools for new single-family, semi-custom and custom homes; condo, multi-family and senior living builders; developers and new-home realtors; and, apartment sales and rental agents.

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If you'd like additional information regarding
Sales Simplicity Software , please contact:
Barry Forbes by email or by phone at (480) 892-2500 ext. 104.